This exhibition and series of talks on Galician design in connection to Galician enterprises is doubly relevant, as it will be held on WOW by FINSA, an interpretation centre for wood established in Porto by FINSA, a Galician leading company in the wood industry. WOW’s space in Porto adds to those already established by FINSA in Madrid (Finsa 21) and Barcelona (Sala Mater).
WOW – Work On Wood by FINSA is a multipurpose space where creative individuals, architects, designers, engineers, industrials and students can gather and share a common interest – the imaginative universe of wood. WOW is an innovative concept, the combination of all its areas becomes a bridge between an industrial company and the creative community through knowledge, networking and ID+I.
The exhibition Galicia XXI: Design as a Driving Force is promoted by Xunta de Galicia.PROGRAMME 10–10:30 AM Opening of the exhibition by the Councelor in Economy, Employment and Industry of Xunta de Galicia
10:30–11:00 AM Visit to WOW by FINSA’s facilities
11:00–11:15 AM Presentation of the book O Deseño como Motor. Casos de Éxito en Galicia [Design as a Driving Force. Galicia’s Case of Success] by David Barro, Director of DIDAC Foundation
11.15–12.00 Round tableLa Importancia del Diseño en Galicia y su Integración en el Mundo de la Empresa [The Importance of Design in Galicia and its Integration in the Business World] with Lois Guillén (DAG, Asociación Galega de Deseño), David Silvosa (communication cluster), Maite Rodríguez Calabria (design FINSA), Javier Aliste, (Cenlitrosmetrocadrado), José Bártolo (chief curator of Porto Design Biennale)
12.00 Galician wine